Tishomingo/Southeastern OSU Tournament

Congratulations and thanks to Ms. Shelena Thomas and Tishomingo High School  for organizing a great Invitational Tournament at Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Durant.  Thanks as well to the staff and faculty of SEOSU who welcomed the Science Olympiad to their campus and provided the Event Supervisors for most of the days events and turned a large part of the campus over to the tournament (all the while hosting three other major events on campus).  Special thanks goes to the Math and Science departments at Southeastern and the Dr. Tim Smith, Chair of Chemistry, Computer and Physical Sciences at the University and the Department Office Assistant, Jackie Bearden, who facilitated personal and rooms and served as the official tournament scorer.  Dr. Smith also arranged lunch for all participants.

Thank You!

Tournament results are:

Division B

1st Place – Whittier B12

2nd Place – Oneta Ridge B4

3rd Place – Whittier B11

Division C

1st Place – Norman North C2

2nd Place – Jenks C1

3rd Place – Putnam City High C8IMG_4140

Jackie Bearden, Offical Scorer and Event Supervisor wrangler

Jackie Bearden, Offical Scorer and Event Supervisor wrangler

Last time he did this it was SNOWING.

Last time he did this it was SNOWING.

Glen Johnson Student Union, site of Scrambler, Electric Vehicle, and the aerial events.

Glen Johnson Student Union, site of Scrambler, Electric Vehicle, and the aerial events.

Bridge testing

Bridge testing

Team Check-in

Team Check-in

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Before (third round of pizza delivery) ...

Before (third round of pizza delivery) …

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Robot Arm

Robot Arm

